Bhutan Far East Birding - 16 Days

east bird

This tour begins from the west and goes east, spanning the entire length of the country and passing through some of the best birding sites in the kingdom. The tour follows the 550 km lateral highway, linking western and eastern Bhutan, traversing through alpine and temperate vegetation of six mountain passes and numerous valleys. The tour includes camping near birding sites, cultural visits, night halts in interior towns and short day hikes. The main mode of travel is by road and accommodation is in hotels at designated stops and at campsites.

Day 1
Arrive Paro

You will be received and welcomed by our tour guide. Thereafter you will escort from the airport to your hotel. Afternoon, birding along the Pachhu river, you will sight waterbirds like; Ibisbill, Brown Dipper, White-capped Water Redstart, River Lapwing, Plumbeous Water Redstart, etc.

Day 2
Paro - Chelela

Early in the morning drive to Chelela pass for pheasants: Kalij Pheasant, Satyr Tragopan, Blood Pheasant and Himalayan Monal. There is also chance of sighting the Fire-tailed Myzornis as well.

Day 3
Paro – Punakha

Stop over Dochu La (pass) at 3,050 meters. The snow-capped eastern Himalayan range can be seen on a clear day. You can circumambulate the 108 stupas of the Druk Wangyal Chorten. The birds found in Punakha and Wangduephodrang valleys are Himalayan Cutia, Yellow-billed Blue Magpie, Collared Grosbeak, Red Crossbill, Golden-breasted Fulvetta, White-browed Fulvetta, Fire-tailed Myzornis, Plain Mountain Finch, Mrs Gould’s Sunbird, Green-tailed Sunbird, Black-throated Parrotbill, Himalayan Bluetail, White-browed Bush Robin, Rufous-breasted Bush Robin, Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher, Ultramarine Flycatcher, Brown Bullfinch, Red-headed Bullfinch, Chestnut-tailed Minla (Bar-throated Siva), Dark-breasted Rosefinch, Little Bunting, White-bellied Heron, Common Kingfisher, White-throated Kingfisher, Crested Kingfisher, etc.

Day 4
Birding in Punakha – Gasa

In this Punakha to Gasa stretch you will sight Jungle Owlet, Asian-barred Owlet, Osprey, White-bellied Heron, Pallas’s Fish Eagle, Lesser Fish Eagle, Great Cormorant, Black-throated Sunbird, Green-tailed Sunbird, Black-throated Yuhina, Striped-throated Yuhina, Whiskered Yuhina, Straited Yuhina, Scarlet Minivet, Long-tailed Minivet, Grey-chinned Minivet, Barred Cuckoo Dove, Fire-breasted Flowerpecker, Darjeeling Woodpecker, Bay Woodpecker, Chestnut-headed Tesia, Slaty-bellied Tesia, Grey-bellied Tesia, White-gorgeted Flycatcher, Large Niltava, Small Niltava, Rufous-bellied Niltava, Great Barbet, Blue-throated Barbet, Golden-throated Barbet, Asian Koel, etc.

Day 5
Punakha – Gangtey/Phobjikha

From Punakha you may face eastward towards Phobjikha through the black mountain location which is 87km/ approx and 4hours drive . The Phobjikha valley is one of the maximum crucial natural world preserves in the united states of america and it serves because the nesting grounds for the endangered Black-necked Crane in winter. The fowl species found in this valley are Yellow-rumped Honeyguide, Blue-capped Rock Thrush,Fire-tailed Myzornis, Great Parrotbill, Alpine Accentor, Green-tailed Sunbird, Fire-tailed Sunbird, Rufous-vented Yuhina, and so forth.

Day 6
Phobjikha – Trongsa

Drive for three hours via dense evergreen forests of oak, rhododendron, horse chestnut, laurel, maple, fir, spruce, larch, hemlock and juniper to the significant district of Trongsa crossing Pele La (pass) at 3390m. The species determined on this location consists of Spotted Laughingthrush, Crested Serpent Eagle, Mountain Hawk Eagle, Common Kestrel, Himalayan Griffon, Himalayan Swiftlet, Asian House Martin, Nepal House Martin, Common Rosefinch, Beatiful Rosefinch, White-browed Rosefinch, Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler, Streaked-breasted Scimitar Babbler, Brown Parrotbill, Scaly-breasted Wren Babbler, and Speckled Wood Pigeon.

Day 7
Trongsa – Zhemgang – Tingtibi

Today drive to Zhemgang and Tingtibi following the Mangde Chhu River. Species found around there are Pin-followed Green Pigeons, Red-Headed Trogon, , Blue-hairy Bee-eater, Chestnut-breasted Partridge, Hill Partridge, Coral-charged Scimitar Babbler, Rufous-necked Hornbill, Great Hornbill, White-browed Piculet, Speckled Piculet, Bay woodpecker, White-followed Robin, White-browed Scimitar Babbler, Black-confronted Laughingthrush, Gray-headed Parrotbill, White-throated Needletail, Mountain Scops Owl, Collard Scops Owl, Collared Treepie, Pygmy-blue Flycatcher. There is an opportunity of detecting the profoundly jeopardized White-bellied Heron just as the Collared Treepie, Beautiful Nuthatch and Lesser Rufous-headed Parrotbill, Greater Rufous-headed Parrotbill, Lesser-necklaced Laughingthrush, Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush.

Day 8
Birding in Tingtibi

Investigate Tingtibi where you can detect the Great Hornbill, Rufous-necked Hornbill, Wreated Hornbill, Lesser Yellownape, Scarlet minivet, Sultan Tit, Black-eared Shrike-babbler, White-bellied Erpornis, Long-followed Sibia,Silver-eared Mesia, Red-charged Leiothrix, Bar-throated Siva, Blue-Winged Siva, Red-followed Minla,Red-confronted Liocichla, Rufous-necked Laughingthrush, Rufous-chinned Laughingthrush, Straited Laughingthrush, White-peaked Laughingthrush, Jungle Babbler, Golden Babbler, Gray-throated Babbler, Pin-striped Tit Babbler, Long-charged Wren Babbler, Eye-browed Wren Babbler, Scaly-breasted Wren Babbler, etc.

Day 9
Tingtibi - Bumthang

Toward the beginning of the day, attempt to detect the Beautiful Nuthatch and the Sapphire Flycatcher. After breakfast you will drive to Trongsa with visit Dzong which was worked in 1648; it was seat of control over focal and eastern Bhutan and visit Ta Dzong which houses regal legacy gallery.

You will proceed with drive to Bumthang crossing Yotong la go at 3400m on the way you will spot species like Bar-throated Siva, Brown Parrotbill, Hill Partridge, Black-confronted Laughingthrush, Chestnut-delegated Laughingthrush, Gold-naped Finch and so on. Night stroll along the Chamkhar stream to spot barely any species like small hitting, Red-charged Chough, Blyth’s Pipit, and Common Sandpiper.

Day 10
Exploring Bumthang

One more day for locating fowls whenever missed in the earlier days. Visit Tharparling religious community for superb Himalayan Monal and Satyr Tragopan. Moreover, you will locate Spot-winged Grosbeak, Daurian Redstart, Olive-supported Pipit, Oriental Skylark, Black-charged Magpie, and so on.

Day 11
Bumthang – Sengor

Morning drive to Sengor ignoring Thrumsingla go at 3800m.The species you would experience are Blood Pheasant, Satyr Tragopan, Spotted Nutcracker, Fire-followed Myzornis, Fire-followed Sunbird, Red-headed Bullfinch, Gray Wagtail, Fire-breasted Flowerpecker, Blue-hairy Bee-eater, Fire-followed Myzornis, Great Parrotbill, Yellow-rumped Honeyguide, Orange-flanked Bush Robin, Stripe-throated Yuhina, White-browed Fulvatas, Satyr Tragonpan, Blood Pheasnat, Himalayan Monal, White-throated Fantail ,Rufous-throated Partridge.

Day 12

Today you travel to Namling and to Yongkola looking for species like Gould’s Shortwing, Bar-winged Wren Babblers, Yellow-rumped Honeyguide, Black-headed Shrike Babbler, White-browed Shrike Babbler, Ward’s Trogon, Slender-charged Scimitar Babbler, Blue-throated Barbet, Golden-throated Barbet, Great Barbet, Golden Bush Robin, Chestnut-breasted Partridge.

Day 13
Explore Yongkola

In this area you will sight Rufous-necked Hornbil, Tawny Fish Owl, Ward’s Trogon, Red-headed Trogon, Rufous-throated Wren Babbler, Scaly-breasted Wren Babbler, Pygmy Wren Babbler, Himalayan Cutia, Grey-winged Blackbird, Hoary-throated Barwing, Rusty-fronted Barwing, Steak-breasted Scimitar Babblers, Collar-billed Scimitar Babbler, Coral-billed Scimitar Babbler, Long-tailed Minivet, Short-billed Minivet, Grey-chinned Minivet, Scarlet Minivet, Pallas’s Fish Eagle, Rufous-bellied Eagle, Black-throated Prinia, Striated Prinia, Gray-throated Babbler, Ashy Bulbull, Mountain Bulbull, Himalayan Bulbull, Grey-throated Babbler, Bhutan Laughingthrush, Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch, Beautiful Nuthatch, White-tailed Nuthatch, Asian-barred Owlet, Short-billed Minivet, Rufous-necked Laughingthrush etc.

Day 14
Yongkala – Trashigang

After breakfast drive to Samdrup jongkhar. In Samdrup Jongkhar area you would spot Silver-eared Mesia, White-rumped Shama and Greater Flameback.

Day 15
Trashigang – Samdrupjongkhar

After breakfast begin journey to the border town of Samdrup Jongkhar.

On the drive you can spot birds such as Pies falconet, Dark-rumped swift, Pin-tailed Green Gigeon, Sultan Tit, Black-backed Forktail, Red-headed Trogon, Black Eagle, House Sparrow, Jungle Babbler, Grey-sided Laughingthrush, etc.

Day 16

Journey toword Guwahati.

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Bhutan Far East Birding